NEWS na_avakara We support efforts to reduce consumers' wasteful consumption and to increase producers' mindful production. . Waste Less Films is back, and it is time for the Instagram post 18030073943223837 . Currently available internship position!! 👇 . Earth Overshoot Day Menandai ketika umat manusia . Juli Bebas Plastik Bulan Juli akan segera berak . “Plastic Free July® is a global movement that . “Plastic Free July® is a global movement that . “Plastic Free July® is a global movement that . “Plastic Free July® is a global movement that . 🐍🐮🐷🪴🐰🌹 Tema Hari Lingkungan Hi . Lebih dari 380 juta ton plastik diproduksi setia . MARKET RESEARCH: If you're a university student Reposted from @statista ******* Considering its . 22 April adalah Hari Bumi. Tema tahun ini: Plan #NAvakara #Na_Avakara #WaysToZeroWaste #lebaran2 . . In 1926, the tradition of 'Thinking Day' bega . Two environmental films about plastic pollution . Selamat merayakan Hari Imlek 2024 Gong Xi Fa Ca . Recommended books to read, for yourself or share . Tahun Baru yang lebih ramah terhadap lingkungan Load More Follow on Instagram